Those numbers are calculated based on our average follow-back ratio of 25 to 50%. The follow-back rate is calculated by dividing the total number of users who followed you back in a month by the total number of follow actions performed that month.
Typically, a Turbo subscription account fully warmed up performs about 3000+ follow actions per month, while the Starter plan performs around 2,000 follow actions per month.
On the Turbo plan, assuming a follow-back rate of 50%, then estimated growth will be about 1500 new followers. Assuming a follow-back rate of 25%, then estimated growth will be about 750 new followers.
On the Starter plan, assuming a follow-back rate of 50%, then estimated growth will be about 1000 new followers. Assuming a follow-back rate of 25%, then estimated growth will be about 500 new followers.
There are always slight variations to these estimations. High performing, quality accounts can have a follow-back rate upwards of 75%, while poor performing accounts can struggle and only receive a 5-10% follow-back rate. The Outlook grade in your Control tab gives you an idea of your current follow-back rate.